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Galleria Dallas Presents Jingle Bell Jubilee

Galleria Dallas Presents Jingle Bell Jubilee

Dec 11, 2017 Dr Kristina Nelson

If you need to relax a bit this holiday season and still want something that is fun and entertaining to get you in the mood for Christmas, then you might want to check out the Jingle Bell Jubilee at the Galleria Dallas. The Jingle Bell Jubilee provides you with a fun show that the entire family is sure to enjoy, and what’s even better is that attending the show is totally free.

Organized By Slappy’s Playhouse

The Jingle Bell Jubilee show runs every Saturday, and the show is also safe and fun for children as well. The event is hosted by the Galleria Dallas and organized by Slappy’s Playhouse. Slappy’s Playhouse works as an entertainment service that provides show hosts as well as event organization. It was started by Dick Monday and Tiffany Riley, who have been partners for two decades and have also trained all the clowns at the Greatest Show on Earth. Also, Dick Monday has appeared often on both film and television shows. The duo also founded a non-profit organization known as Foundation for Laughter where they perform science and math shows for school children. Both Monday and Riley are known for putting on great shows in the local area.

A Fun Family Show

The Jingle Bell Jubilee show is fun, entertaining, and full of holiday charm, magic, games, comedy, music, and much more. Your host for the show is Mistletoe the Elf, who leads you through a story filled with enchanting characters, puppets, a bell choir where children from the audience are invited to perform, and there will also be many other opportunities for audience participation. When you arrive at the mall, make sure you go to the Children’s Play Place and Nordstrom on Level 3. For more information on the event, please visit the Galleria Dallas’s website here.

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