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Best Places In LA To Grab A Burger

Best Places In LA To Grab A Burger

Sep 25, 2017 Dr Kristina Nelson

Los Angeles is known as a city that loves its burgers, and it’s certainly full of plenty of burger options. In fact, many local to the region state that the cheeseburger was invented in Pasadena almost a century ago, and since then, the city’s worked hard to learn how to make some of the best burgers on the planet. To help you narrow down what burger joints to visit the next time you’re in LA, we’ve created a list of some of the best places to go to in LA to grab a burger.


Belcampo is not always a cheap place to go to grab a meal, but they’ve got two excellent burger choices that are well worth the money. One of their tasty burger options, however, costs only $5 and is called the Fastburger. The Fastburger is a 3-ounce patty made from grassfed beef layered with lettuce, tomato, onion, and cheese. Another good burger selection you can grab here is the Cheeseburger, which is 5.5 ounces and made with an ailoi-ketchup mix, cheddar, lettuce, and onions. These burgers are made to be tasty and low-fat, so you can’t ask for much more.

Everson Royce Bar

Everson Royce Bar makes some of the simplest and tastiest burger options out there, their cheeseburger, which is made from some Dijonnaise and cheddar cheese. The beef you’ll get on the cheeseburger is a 4-ounce patty that comes from Harris Ranch, and it’s sandwiched into a buttered egg bun. Alongside your burger you’ll get some homemade pickles. While the cheeseburger sounds simple, it’s a straightforward, tasty take that has become widely popular.

Petit Trois

If you want a place that offers a creative twist on a cheeseburger, then Petit Trois might be where you want to grab your next meal. With ideas from the traditional American cheeseburger combined with French culture, you get American cheese and rare beef mixed with bordelaise sauce, foie gras, and caramelized onions. The Petit Trois cheeseburger is quite large, but it’s also a fantastic hamburger that offers an innovative French twist.

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