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Three Taco Festivals For The Taco Connoisseur In The USA

Three Taco Festivals For The Taco Connoisseur In The USA

Aug 15, 2017 Dr Kristina Nelson

Taco lovers everywhere can enjoy three great upcoming taco festivals happening this fall. At each of these festivals, taco lovers will get to experience a wide variety of taco sampling, as well as live entertainment and other fun activities. Below we’ve provided you with the latest updates gathered from all three of these entertaining taco festivals.

Arizona Taco Festival

On October 14th and 15th at the Salt River Fields in Scottsdale, AZ, taco lovers can enjoy the Arizona Taco Fest. Both days start at 11 AM and end at 7 PM, providing you with plenty of fun and activities to enjoy. Purchasing a general admission ticket will allow you to experience over fifty restaurants selling tacos for $2, with many bar and beverage areas also available to service all of your beer, wine, cocktail, and beverage needs. With your ticket purchase, you’ll receive a wristband that will allow you access to purchasing all of the food and drinks you want.

Evansville Taco Festival

On October 14th, Evansville, Indiana will host its Evansville Taco Festival, bringing taco lovers everywhere another fun event they won’t want to miss. Evansville plans to make its taco festival the largest one-day event ever held locally. While the date is currently reserved for this event, more details will be released shortly about the vendors and ticket options available at the event.

Cleveland Taco Fest

On September 9th, Jack Thistledown Racino will host the Cleveland Taco Fest from 1 PM to 7 PM. At the taco fest, you’ll get to taste a variety of taco recipes from over twenty-five taco vendors. Tequila sampling will also take place from over thirty different vendors. Several different types of margaritas will also be available for purchase. Live entertainment will be available at the event.

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