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Love Beer? Then Come To Miami's Grovetoberfest 2017 On October 14th

Love Beer? Then Come To Miami's Grovetoberfest 2017 On October 14th

Aug 10, 2017 Dr. Kristina Nelson

On October 14th, the Swarm Event Agency brings you the Grovetoberfest beer celebration, happening at Miami’s Peacock Park. At the event, you’ll encounter beer enthusiasts from across the globe uniting to experience unlimited beer samplings from both domestic and international breweries.

Sample Beers & Vote On Award-Winning Brews

Whether you’re a beer connoisseur or simply a person that likes to enjoy beer casually, you’ll enjoy getting immersed in the beer sampling offered at Grovetoberfest. Plus, all beer sampling guests get to voice their opinions about their beer tasting experience, and are invited to vote for their favorite beers in three different award categories. The award categories are:

  • Best American Craft Beer
  • Best Import Beer
  • Best Wild Card Brew

So, not only will you get to taste any of the brews present, but you’ll also get the opportunity to cast your vote and pick the winners at the event.

Beer sampling choices for guests include over three hundred craft beers offering samples, so you’ll experience plenty of tasting opportunities. Also, while you’re sampling the wide variety of beer options at the event, you’ll also get to experience live entertainment, a kitchen lab providing beer and food pairings, and a food row area that will sell a wide range of food options from local restaurants.

Ticket Info

Tickets are non-refundable, and the event will take place whether it is rain or shine. Ticket prices vary, and prices are listed below.

  • General Admission, 4PM- 7 PM. $44.
  • Beer Socialite, 3 PM-7PM, $74.
  • VIP, 2PM-7PM, $89.

The Swarm Event Agency

Grovetoberfest is brought to you by the Swarm Event Agency, an event organizing company that hosts more than sixteen events annually. They also host private events, and provide full event production services. When you plan your next event, the Swarm Event Agency can assist you with a wide variety of things, including bar operations, permits, sponsorship, venue scouting, and event logistics.

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