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The Best Soup Dumpling Spots in NYC

The Best Soup Dumpling Spots in NYC

Jul 28, 2017 Victoria Vogt

New York has always been a great place to find some scrumptious soup dumplings. We have the perfect guide on where to find the best soup dumpling spots in NYC. For those who are unfamiliar with what soup dumplings are, they are dumplings that have a filling very much like a regular dumpling, but they also contain some juicy liquid that I am not kidding is absolutely the most astonishingly tasty food that you can possibly imagine. Please take our word that going to one of the following spots to bite into a soup dumpling is one thing that you must, I repeat must have on your bucket list:

Shanghai You Garden

Shanghai You Garden

Shanghai You Garden offers delicious dining, takeout and delivery to Flushing, NY. Shanghai You Garden is a cornerstone in the Flushing community and has been recognized for its outstanding Chinese cuisine, soup dumplings, excellent service and friendly staff. They are known for their classic dishes and  insistence on only using high quality and fresh ingredients.

Kung Fu Xiao Long Bao

Kung Fu Xiao Long Bao

Kung Fu Xiao Long Bao is a modest Chinese eatery offering dim sum, soup dumplings and uncommon, Shanghai-style preparations. The soup dumplings themselves are what make this spot so great! They make the dumpling layer so thin that you think the dumplings might break, buts it’s all broth and meat. This place is great and cheap!

Joe’s Shanghai

Joes Shanghai

Joe’s Shanghai soup dumplings are perfectly symmetrical in shape. These tender pouches, “little dumplings”, are freshly made to order here. They arrive at the table in hot bamboo steamers. Each plump dumpling contains a little pork meatball surrounded by a delightful broth. Try the customer favorite: crab soup dumpling.

The Bao

The Bao

The Bao is known for Shanghai-style xiao long bao soup dumplings with classic and creative fillings. The soup dumplings defiantly steal the show at this awesome spot. Try all different fillings like crab, pork, and beef.

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