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Taste Whisky From All Around The World At WhiskyFest 2017

Taste Whisky From All Around The World At WhiskyFest 2017

Jul 10, 2017 Victoria Vogt

It’s time to celebrate 20 years at the leading Whisky Festival in North America. Get the chance to celebrate in San Francisco, New York, Washington DC and Chicago. You will not only be able to taste quite a few fine whiskies, but also meet many distillers, master blenders, and other whisky experts. Taste all kinds of different whiskies, single malts or blended scotch, from a selection of countries known for their own great tasting whisky. At the event you will be able to visit seminars that feature tastings and learn first-hand how brands are made. Don’t worry; rum, cognac and other spirits will be available as well! So if you’re a whisky fanatic and want to taste and learn more, come join us for an experience you will never forget!

Mark Your Calendar!

San Francisco: Friday, October 6th, 2017 Marriot Marquis

New York, NY: Thursday, November 16th, 2017 Marriot Marquis

Chicago: Friday, March 23rd, 2018 Hyatt Regency

Washington DC: Tuesday, April 17th, 2018 Marriot Marquis

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