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The Infatuation Brings You EEEEEATSCON , Your Kind of Food Festival

The Infatuation Brings You EEEEEATSCON , Your Kind of Food Festival

May 17, 2017 Dr. Kristina Nelson

Food enthusiasts The Infatuation is launching their own food festival, the first EEEEEATSCON, which takes place May 20 at Santa Monica’s Barker Hangar. If you love tasty food and sampling some of the best menus around, then you won’t want to miss EEEEEATSCON.

The Infatuation

The Infatuation is a group of food enthusiasts that make up a newsletter, website, mobile app, and Instagram accounts focusing on helping you find the best food for any situation. The point of The Infatuation is to offer a food resource that reached out to everyday individuals with honest suggestions for eateries. Started in 2009, the eatery resource boomed. To further promote their concept while also introducing great food to all, The Infatuation decided to start their own food festival.

What's Going Down at EEEEEATSCON?

At EEEEEATSCON, you will find a variety of excellent restaurants from LA and other local areas. Some great musicians will also be playing at the event while you walk around and sample the selections, including New York duo The Knocks and Lizzo. There will also be a full day of panels and keynote speakers from inspiring individuals in the food service, including a talk with LA’s Nancy Silverton. The talks will end with a discussion lead by Shep Gorden, a famous music manager. Gordon also created the concept of the celebrity chef.

The restaurants that will participate in EEEEEATSCON include some of The Infatuations, favorites, like:

  • Jon & Vinny’s
  • Chi Spacca
  • Salazar
  • Holmes Bakehouse
  • Salazar
  • The Nomad Truck
  • Tinfoil
  • Nighthawk Breakfast Bar
  • Afters Ice Cream
  • Badmaash
  • Yeasty Boys
  • Sweetfin Poke
  • Dream Pops
  • Ramen Hood
  • Maple Block Meat Co.
  • Matcha Bar
  • Eataly’s.

To read more about EEEEEATSCON, please go here.

For more information on events like EEEEEATSCON, stick with us here at EventCombo. At EventCombo, we provide you with the latest information on events, as well as giving you the chance to sell your tickets online through our website.

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