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Experience the Movie Outdoors with LA’s Rooftop Cinema Club

Experience the Movie Outdoors with LA’s Rooftop Cinema Club

Apr 26, 2017 Dr. Kristina Nelson

Do you enjoy viewing movies in an outdoor setting? If so, you’ll love LA’s Rooftop Cinema Club, which returns for its third season at the Montalban. Held on the rooftop of the Montalban, the Rooftop Cinema Club holds fame for providing excellent films, classy screening settings, and fantastic food and beverages.

An Outdoor Movie Experience

One of the premier outdoor film events in Los Angeles, the Rooftop Cinema Club offers a much more easygoing setting than most other outdoor movies experiences. You won’t need to bring your own blanket, food, or chair, but only yourself and your friends or family. You’ll be provided with a comfortable seating arrangement, and you can even request blankets if necessary.

The rooftop of the Montalban offers gorgeous city views, creating a romantic mood with the setting. And, so you don’t have to hear the film over loudspeakers and possibly miss parts of the movie, you’ll receive your own set of wireless headphones for a pristine auditory experience.

The selected screening list offered by the Rooftop Cinema Club is loaded with film favorites moviegoers can enjoy. Movies that will air include such famed hits as Blade Runner, Back to the Future, and Moonlight.

Ticket Prices

Tickets are affordable and have already on sale. General admission tickets cost $19 per person, and special seats for Rooftop Love Seats cost $29 per person. 

With such a wide variety of films presented by the Rooftop Cinema Club, the beautiful backdrop views, and the comfortable seating arrangements, you won’t want to miss a rooftop screening at the Montalban this Spring.

For more information on events like Los Angeles’s Rooftop Cinema Club, stick with us here at EventCombo. At Eventcombo, we offer the latest information on events, and also give you the chance to sell your tickets online through our website to increase your ticket sales.

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