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Amazing Free Events in Atlanta Celebrating Women's History Month!

Amazing Free Events in Atlanta Celebrating Women's History Month!

Mar 03, 2017 Tara Geigel

Women’s History Month is a month that highlights the vast contributions of women that made an impact on today’s society. You can check out different events that showcase the struggles of women in the past and how they’ve overcame them to help pave the road for women today. Women like Amelia Earhart, Susan B. Anthony, and countless others are commemorated for being courageous, brave, and strong. Take the time to learn more about Women’s History Month and check out these inspiring events in Atlanta!

1. Women & Girls Leading Together: An Inclusive Roundtable Event at the Center for Civil and Human Rights- #LetsStandTogether! Empowering each other is key to success, which is why this seminar is incredibly amazing! Women and girls work together to learn how to combat struggles women face everyday. Celebrate International Women’s Day with courageous women and learn to inspire those around you!

2.International Women’s Day Summit; Her Story Matters at The Gathering Spot- Running for the second year in a row, this summit focuses on the history and contributions made by women of color. With over 200 in attendance, you’ll have to opportunity to make new friends and participate in a panel of successful women.

3.Women’s History Month: History and Science at the Atlanta Science Festival at The Atlanta Science Festival- Honoring Women’s History Month by introducing a famous women who is relevant to each activity at the event. Even if science doesn’t interest you, this event will change your mind!

4.Peachtree Women’s Writer’s Alliance at The Wimbish House- Have you ever wanted to write but unsure of where to start? Come join this monthly club of talented women who can mentor you. You can band together with the other women and celebrate Women’s History Month!

EventCombo helps you stay in the know about amazing events in your city. If you want to check out events about music, art, fashion, and just about anything you can think of, we’re the one-stop-shop website to check out!

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