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Check Out Atlanta’s Premier Venue: The Cobb Galleria Center

Check Out Atlanta’s Premier Venue: The Cobb Galleria Center

Mar 02, 2017 Dr. Kristina Nelson

Are you looking for an amazing venue in Atlanta for your next event? If so, then check out the beautiful Cobb Galleria Center, an attractive building capable of hosting events of all shapes and sizes. The facility itself provides several choices for entertaining guests, like a 144,000-square-foot exhibit hall, a 25,000-square-foot ballroom, a3,600-square-foot special event space, 20 meeting rooms, and four executive boardrooms.With such variety, The Cobb Galleria is an excellent location for any event.

The Cobb Galleria Center’s Ambiance

The stunning building includes a picturesque two-story rotunda entrance which provides plenty of pre-event space or makes an exquisite and impressive admittance for all of the event’s guests. Besides the impressive rotunda, The Cobb Galleria Center also packs a full-service business center.

Our dramatic two-story rotunda entrance and ample registration/pre-function space will provide the perfect entry point for your guests. Furthermore, The Cobb Galleria Center offers a full-service business center, in-house audio-visual specialists, wireless access, and plenty of parking. These options help to ensure that using this venue will provide your guests with an excellent event experience.

The Cobb Galleria’s Location

The Cobb Galleria Center also provides an excellent location, at the intersection of I-285 and I-75. Functioning as one of Atlanta’s most well-known conference facilities, The Cobb Galleria Center can help any planner meet his or her needs. Whether you are planning to host a conference,large-scale convention, or small private party, The Cobb Galleria Center has the right venue space for you.

Another excellent opportunity the Cobb Galleria Center provides is its direct connection to the 522-room, four-star, four-diamond Renaissance Waverly Hotel. Furthermore, the Cobb Galleria Center also provides event-goers with an on-site mall, known as the Cumberland Mall.

For more information about venues like the Cobb Galleria Center, or to read up on more event planning ideas, stay with us here at Eventcombo. At Eventcombo, we not only provide you with the latest event planning news, but we also give you the option to sell your tickets online through our website.

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