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EventCombo's Guide to the 10 Best FREE Valentine's Day Events in Los Angeles

EventCombo's Guide to the 10 Best FREE Valentine's Day Events in Los Angeles

Feb 13, 2017 Dr. Kristina Nelson

Los Angeles, formally the City of Los Angeles and regularly known by its initials L.A., is the second-most crowded city in the United States, the most crowded city in California. Los Angeles is known for its Mediterranean atmosphere, ethnic differences, sprawling city, and as a noteworthy focus of the American media outlet. Los Angeles lies in an expansive beach front bowl encompassed on three sides by mountains.

This year, Los Angeles has a lot of fun in store as there are tons of hot and FREE events to offer on Valentine's Day and EventCombo has them here for you to check out!

So what is there to do on Valentine's Day in Los Angeles that is both free and fun?

Radio5 Events presents, Club Bollywood - Valentines 2017 - Stop Light Theme Party w/ Mumbai's DJ Dharak @ Hollywood hotspot The Study! Playing the best of Bollywood, Bhangra & EDM. - Tickets are available at the door if you wish to enjoy a fun night of dancing with your date.

Valentines's & Galentine's Event at Sugarfina - Bring your date to this sweet party. Enjoy candy samples, champagne and lip makeovers.

Valentine's Day at The Castaway Burbank - Enjoy an excellent three course meal with your date.

Michaels' Valentine's Make Event - Michaels’ invites singles, couples, and families to come to their stores and make something for Valentine’s Day.

Valentine's Day Mini Session at Wanderwall Space - Couples and families, come and enjoy getting your pictures taken during a mini photo session.

Valentine's Day At Larchmont Sanctuary Spa - Enjoy a romantic spa visit with your date, which includes champagne and chocolate.

Valentine's Day Dancing-No Partner needed at Arthur Murray Dance Studio - No partner is needed for this fun dance class, but you can bring one if you have one.

Valentine's and Art Supplies for the Ronald McDonald House at Kenneth Hahn State Recreation Area - Make Valentines for the children and families staying at Ronald McDonald House in Los Angeles.

Social Sundays Black & Red Valentines Singles Affair at Tiffany's On Vine. - Enjoy a social Sunday day party and brunch.

Valentine's Day Blind Tasting at Spare Tire Kitchen & Tavern - Blind Tasting Valentine's Day Dinner is a romantic, 5-course blind tasting for twosomes

Valentine's Day Free Outdoor Double Feature Movies in Westwood! - The Westwood Village Improvement Association, in partnership with UCLA Housing, invites you to special FREE outdoor Valentine’s Day double-feature screening of Secret Life of Pets and fan favorite, The Princess Bride.

For more information on upcoming events, stay with us here at Eventcombo. At Eventcombo, we not only provide you with articles about events, but also give you the opportunity to sell your tickets online through our website.

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