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As Your Next Venue, Book Long Meadow Ranch in Napa Valley

As Your Next Venue, Book Long Meadow Ranch in Napa Valley

Dec 21, 2016 Dr. Kristina Nelson

If you want to book a unique venue for your next event, then look no further than Long Meadow Ranch. Not only will you be able to provide your event goers with a classy place to visit, but you will also be giving them an innovative experience by placing them in the middle of a scenic wine ranch possessing world-class views and an elegant feel.

Long Meadow Ranch’s History

Long Meadow Ranch’s beauty primarily comes from its location and its business. First founded in the late 1800s and later left to sit during Prohibition, it found its second life in 1989. That year, proprietors Ted, Laddie, and Chris Hall both rediscovered and renovated the ranch and its beauty, turning it into both a winery and a venue. Located in Rutherford in the Mayacamas Mountains, the ranch will introduce your event-goers to stunning mountain views coupled with the unique, classy feel of being located within a winery.

The initial goal of Long Meadow Ranch was to utilize organic farming to produce fantastic wine. Today, Long Meadow Ranch bases its creations on food friendliness, creating what the website states are “balanced wines and handcrafted extra virgin olive oils utilizing ‘full-circle farming” methods.”

Long Meadow Ranch as a Venue

As a venue, Long Meadow Ranch does not disappoint. Guests can access the beautiful demonstration garden, view the apple orchard, and the Live Fire pit. Furthermore, Long Meadow Ranch provides a wide variety of either indoor or outdoor options as a venue, so you always have a choice as to how and where you wish to hold your event.

Long Meadow Ranch also offers to event hosts a full range of help to make the event a success, including planners, artisan chefs, and event professionals. The existence of this team means that Long Meadow Ranch offers a full range of help to assist you with your event success.

For more information regarding venues and other event news, stick with us here at Eventcombo. We at Eventcombo offer you not only a wide range of information that can boost your next event’s success, but also provide you with the opportunity to sell tickets on our website to our large audience of existing event goers.

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