Mark Day School discovers and nurtures what is finest in each child in a vibrant, inclusive learning community. Innovative and full of heart, Mark Day School strives to develop well-rounded critical thinkers in a challenging program that fosters academic excellence and responsible world citizenship.
Mark Day School has a track record of thoughtful innovation in its curricular program, focusing on 21st century skills and concepts. Highlights include the NAIS Leading Edge Award-winning Media Literacy program; well-established local and global partnerships with the Next Generation Scholars of San Rafael, eSibonisweni and Kliptown Youth Center in South Africa, and Beijing Experimental School #2 in China, among others; Mandarin and Spanish language beginning in Kindergarten; an expanded Social and Emotional Learning program being implemented currently; a commitment to differentiation across the school; and more.
Mark Day School is a vibrant and diverse community, and all community members continue to work towards the furthering of an inclusive and supportive school. Mark Day is committed to excellence through diversity and multiculturalism. For more information about Mark Day School, please visit our website (