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Winter Film Awards 48-Hour Film Challenge

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event favorite {{eventInfo.FavoriteCount}} thumb_up {{eventInfo.VoteCount}}

Winter Film Awards 4th Annual 48-Hour Film Challenge - What can YOU do in 48 hours?

Winter Film Awards challenges the local film community to create a short film under insane rules in just a single caffeinated weekend!  Over $13k in prizes to be awarded ! Winning films to be screened at the 2017 Winter Film Awards Independent Film Festival!

IMPORTANT!!!   The challenge is restricted to THIRTY teams.  To ensure you get a spot, please REGISTER.  Registration is $10 per team.

WINTER FILM AWARDS challenges the local community to create a 4-7 minute short film in a specified genre, tagline and prop in just a single gonzo weekend! Thirty teams of the most creative people in the tri-state area have just 48 sleepless hours to decide what they are going to do, write a screenplay, assemble props, costumes and actors, rehearse, shoot, score and edit their film. Students, amateurs, and seasoned industry veterans alike learn the importance of caffeine, team work and time management in successful filmmaking.

Completed films are uploaded to YouTube to garner the coveted “Fan Favorite” vote. All films are then screened at a local venue the following weekend and prizes are awarded for Best Picture, Fan Favorite and more!

Visit for more information!

For the 2012 Challenge, teams had to contend with a large brightly-colored snowflake sugar cookie and a tagline from Fight Club. For the 2013 Challenge, we made it even more difficult — Teams had a tagline from Ghostbusters and Gray Line New York provided each team with one-hour private shooting time on a double-decker sightseeing tour bus, complete with Tour Guide and Driver. For the 2014 Challenge, teams had to include Citibike in their story line. Visit the WFA YouTube playlist to view all of the amazing films. What can we possibly come up with next??

The Challenge is limited to 30 teams and you must have access to NYC to take part in the Challenge.  See the Challenge FAQ for more info!


Click here to read the OFFICIAL RULES of the Challenge. By registering for the Challenge, you are confirming that you agree to all Rules listed.

CHALLENGE BEGINS: A representative of your team must come to our offices between 8-10pm on Friday, June 3, at which time you will be provided with your Prop, Tagline and Film Genre. At 10pm, we open any open slots to our waitlist, so if you have not checked in by 10pm, you may lose your slot.

CHALLENGE ENDS: You must deliver your completed film to our offices at 31 West 34th Street within exactly 48 hours of your sign in time.  Completed films will be uploaded to YouTube by the WFA Team. Winter Film Awards will open voting via YouTube on Tuesday June 7 by 9am. Voting for FAN FAVORITE will be open for at least one week.

JUDGING: Completed films will be judged by the WFA Jury. WFA will award the BEST PICTURE award to the film we think best. WFA Jury will also award other prizes to films we think deserve it (criteria to be determined solely by Winter Film Awards). FAN FAVORITE prize will be awarded to the film that earns the most votes, which will be a combination of


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Teams are subsets of attendees who collaborate in the event with each other. Each team has its own members. When an event attendee purchases a ticket, they are not automatically added to a team; each attendee must join a specific team within an event.


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